A Better Answer to Airport Security?
This video makes my point well. There are countries all over the world who do their job so much better than we do for so much less money WITHOUT denying the innocent their civil rights. Only the suspicious are questioned. The security expert says -- and this is critical 'We must hire 'QUALIFIED' people.' Hey! There is a concept for you!' Everyone is interviewed -- not body scanned. Not patted down. There is no direct invasion of privacy. I have been through these interviews. The people who did them were polite. The questions were not invasive. Technology cannot stop these problems. People can. We should know by now that throwing money at the problem and reducing freedoms is not the answer. Come on people! One of the things that has made America great is our ability as a nation to learn from the experiences of other countries and peoples. There is a wealth of experience out there -- the North Irish, the British, the Isrealis... They handle airport security without the sort of invasion that TSA and Homeland security are insisting are necessary and have done for a long time. They do it without the expense and with a great deal more success. What we need is qualified people and THAT is the problem to which TSA and Homeland Security will not admit. They want these fancy machines -- which by the way RETAIN the images they take despite promises to the contrary -- as a way of distracting the Public from the reality that the people who are supposedly protecting us are incapable of doing so -- they are not qualified, properly trained, etc. It is time that the American people DEMANDED that our rights and freedoms be respected and that, instead of throwing money at problems, companies whose job it is to protect us DO their job, TRAIN their people and SERVE as they are mandated to do. Guess what folks -- they are supposed to work for US!
And yes, I want my children to enjoy flying on airplanes, traveling across this wonderful world of ours. So, what do you say, shall we take it back? This is our country -- we need to remember that.
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